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When you’re seeking a C-suite level position, you’ll need to bring more than your resume to the table.

You’ll also need a carefully crafted executive bio that speaks to your ability to perform at this level of leadership.

Though similar to a resume in that it should include some of your background and experience, the bio offers you a chance to truly sell yourself as someone who belongs in a company’s driver’s seat.

Today, we’re taking a look at what makes a great bio, so you can be sure to stand out for all the right reasons.

Ready to get started? Pick up your pen and let’s go!

1. Let Your Voice Be Heard

When creating a resume, you’re working within an organized format — and for good reason. An impressive, clear resume is one of the top five reasons employers hire the people they do.

Thus, though you can be creative to an extent in a resume, your executive bio is the place where more of your personality can shine through.

The bio can include personal anecdotes, moments that defined you as a leader, important events on your career path, and much more. As such, it often takes a more narrative form, allowing you to more easily express your style.

While it’s critical to remain grammatically accurate and professional, your tone should be engaging enough to sustain the reader all the way to the last line.

2. Start Strong

Humans now have an eight-second attention span. As such, it’s more important than ever to catch their eye immediately.

The best way to do this with your executive bio?

Start with your strongest, most compelling recollection. Grabbing them at the onset will help ensure they’ll stick with you — and that you’ll stay on their mind.

3. Think Three-Dimensionally

Sure, employers want to know about your professional interests, your skill sets, and your challenges — and how those translate into company culture and brand identity.

They also want to know who you are when the clock strikes 5:00.

In your executive bio, be sure to leave some room to establish yourself as a three-dimensional person, not just an office professional.

Do you volunteer at a non-profit? Are you involved in your local community? If so, mentioning these activities indirectly speaks to your leadership skills, and your desire to help.

You may also want to include your hobbies, family life, and other interests. When doing so, try to find a way to link them back to the company you’re applying to join.

4. Make it Readable

When you’re finished crafting your bio, print it out and take a look at it. Or, if it’s online, sit back from your computer and examine it.

Is it full of long paragraphs in blocks? If so, make a few formatting changes.

First, break the paragraphs apart where it makes sense, trying to keep each one to just a few sentences.

Then, see if any sections could benefit from subheadings. These can give the reader a head’s up that a new topic is about to be introduced.

Research reveals readers only read between 20% to 28% of the content on a particular web page. Make sure they stick with you for the long haul this time.

Perfecting Your Executive Bio: Start Here

Are you applying for a C-suite level position and need a compelling bio? If so, we’d love to help.

Our career coaches are skilled in helping you get the job you want, and they’ll help formulate the bios that get you there.

We’ll help ensure that your document is the best representation of you, taking into account your career history — and your vision for the future.

Interested in learning more? Feel free to contact us and let’s get started today!

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